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How Chiropractic Supports the Brain: The Spine-Brain Connection Explained
Wellbeing for Adults, Pediatric Care Chirohouse . Wellbeing for Adults, Pediatric Care Chirohouse .

How Chiropractic Supports the Brain: The Spine-Brain Connection Explained

When your spine isn’t moving properly, the signals between your brain and body can become weak or distorted, affecting movement, coordination, balance, and overall well-being. Chiropractic care restores spinal function, improving brain-body communication for better posture, mobility, and nervous system health.

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Starting Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy: Supporting Your Body Naturally
Wellbeing for Adults, Pediatric Care Chirohouse . Wellbeing for Adults, Pediatric Care Chirohouse .

Starting Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy: Supporting Your Body Naturally

Discover the natural benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy. From promoting pelvic balance and reducing discomfort to enhancing pelvic floor function and optimizing nervous system health, prenatal chiropractic care supports your body’s natural ability to adapt. Learn how Ottawa’s Chirohouse can help you achieve a smoother, healthier pregnancy journey.

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Understanding the Hidden Impact of Birth Trauma on Childhood Health Issues

Understanding the Hidden Impact of Birth Trauma on Childhood Health Issues

Welcoming a new baby into the world is a moment of joy, but the birth process itself can place significant physical stress on a newborn’s body. Even in the smoothest deliveries, the forces exerted on a baby’s head, neck, and spine can be immense. When medical interventions like forceps, vacuum extraction, or C-sections come into play, these stresses increase. This can lead to birth trauma, a condition that often results in subluxations—misalignments in the spine that disrupt the nervous system.

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Kick the Sick: Unlocking Your Child’s Natural Resilience

Kick the Sick: Unlocking Your Child’s Natural Resilience

As the seasons change and we head into the colder months, many families find themselves in a frustrating cycle of colds, coughs, and congestion. Over-the-counter medications and doctor visits become routine, and stronger antibiotics are often prescribed when symptoms persist. Yet, the cycle continues. What many don’t realize is that while medications can help suppress symptoms, they often don’t address the root cause — and can even weaken the body’s long-term resilience.

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Understanding Prenatal Stress and How Chiropractic Care Supports a Healthy Pregnancy

Understanding Prenatal Stress and How Chiropractic Care Supports a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an incredible time of growth and transformation, as millions of physiological changes take place to create the perfect environment for both mother and baby. At the heart of all these changes is one vital system—the nervous system.

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